
Polymorphism, Inheritance and Abstraction

Polymorphism, inheritance, and abstraction are three fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). They are closely related and work together to provide a powerful and flexible framework for building complex and maintainable software applications.

Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. In Java, polymorphism is achieved through two mechanisms: method overloading and method overriding. Method overloading allows you to define multiple methods with the same name but different parameters, while method overriding allows you to redefine a method in a subclass to provide a different implementation.

Polymorphism allows you to write more flexible and reusable code, as you can use a single method or object to perform different tasks in different contexts.

Inheritance: Inheritance is the ability of a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. In Java, inheritance is achieved through the "extends" keyword, which allows you to create a subclass that inherits the properties and behaviors of a superclass.

Inheritance allows you to create more modular and maintainable code, as you can reuse existing classes and build new classes on top of them. It also allows you to create a hierarchy of classes, with more general classes at the top and more specific classes at the bottom.

Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of defining a set of common features and behaviors that can be shared by multiple classes. In Java, abstraction is achieved through abstract classes and interfaces. An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, and is used to define a set of common properties and behaviors that can be shared by multiple subclasses. An interface is a set of abstract methods and constants that can be implemented by any class.

Abstraction allows you to create more modular and maintainable code, as you can define a set of common properties and behaviors that can be shared by multiple classes. It also allows you to create more flexible and extensible code, as you can create new classes that implement an existing interface or extend an existing abstract class.


Polymorphism in Java is the ability of an object to take on many forms. It allows a single object to be treated as an instance of multiple classes, depending on the context in which it is used. Java supports two types of polymorphism: compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism.

Compile-Time Polymorphism: Compile-time polymorphism, also known as method overloading, allows you to define multiple methods with the same name but different parameters in a single class. When a method is called, the Java compiler decides which version of the method to use based on the number and type of arguments passed to the method.

Here is an example of compile-time polymorphism:

public class Calculator {

   public int add(int x, int y) {

      return x + y;


   public double add(double x, double y) {

      return x + y;



In this example, the "Calculator" class defines two methods with the same name, "add", but with different parameters. When the "add" method is called, the Java compiler decides which version of the method to use based on the type of arguments passed to the method.

Runtime Polymorphism: Runtime polymorphism, also known as method overriding, allows you to redefine a method in a subclass to provide a different implementation. When a method is called, the JVM decides which version of the method to use based on the type of object that the method is called on.

Here is an example of runtime polymorphism:

public class Shape {

   public void draw() {

      System.out.println("Drawing a shape");



public class Circle extends Shape {

   public void draw() {

      System.out.println("Drawing a circle");



public class Square extends Shape {

   public void draw() {

      System.out.println("Drawing a square");



In this example, the "Shape" class defines a "draw" method that is overridden in the "Circle" and "Square" classes. When the "draw" method is called on a "Shape" object, the JVM decides which version of the method to use based on the type of the object. If the object is a "Circle" object, the "draw" method in the "Circle" class is called. If the object is a "Square" object, the "draw" method in the "Square" class is called.

Polymorphism allows you to write more flexible and reusable code, as you can use a single method or object to perform different tasks in different contexts. By using polymorphism effectively, you can create more modular, maintainable, and extensible code that can adapt to changing requirements and scale to meet the needs of a growing user base.


In Java, inheritance is a mechanism that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. The class that inherits properties and behaviors is called a subclass or derived class, while the class that provides the properties and behaviors is called a superclass or base class.

Inheritance is accomplished in Java by using the extends keyword to create a subclass of a superclass. The subclass inherits all of the non-private properties and behaviors of the superclass, and can also define new properties and behaviors of its own.

Here's an example of a superclass and a subclass:

public class Animal {

   protected String name;

   protected int age;


   public Animal(String name, int age) { = name;

      this.age = age;



   public void eat() {

      System.out.println("The animal is eating.");



public class Dog extends Animal {

   public Dog(String name, int age) {

      super(name, age);



   public void bark() {

      System.out.println("The dog is barking.");



In this example, the Animal class is the superclass, and the Dog class is the subclass. The Dog class extends the Animal class, which means that it inherits the name and age fields and the eat() method from the Animal class.

The Dog class also defines a new method called bark(), which is not present in the Animal class. This method is specific to the Dog class, and is not available to other subclasses of the Animal class.

Inheritance allows you to create a hierarchy of classes, with more general classes at the top and more specific classes at the bottom. This hierarchy can be used to organize your code, and to make it more modular and maintainable.

For example, you could define a Mammal class that extends the Animal class, and then define more specific subclasses like Dog, Cat, and Horse that extend the Mammal class. This hierarchy allows you to share common properties and behaviors among multiple subclasses, and to define new properties and behaviors that are specific to each subclass.


Abstraction is a fundamental concept in Java programming that refers to the process of hiding implementation details while providing a simplified view of the functionality to the user. Abstraction is achieved in Java through the use of abstract classes and interfaces.

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, and is used to define a set of common properties and behaviors that can be shared by multiple subclasses. An abstract class can have abstract methods, which are methods that do not have a body and must be implemented by the subclass.

Here's an example of an abstract class:

public abstract class Shape {

   protected int x, y;


   public Shape(int x, int y) {

      this.x = x;

      this.y = y;



   public abstract void draw();


In this example, the Shape class is an abstract class that defines a set of common properties (x and y) and an abstract method called draw(). The draw() method is not implemented in the Shape class, but must be implemented by any subclass that extends the Shape class.

An interface is a set of abstract methods and constants that can be implemented by any class. An interface is similar to an abstract class, but it only defines the signatures of the methods, not their implementation.

Here's an example of an interface:

public interface Drawable {

   void draw();


In this example, the Drawable interface defines a single method called draw(). Any class that implements the Drawable interface must provide an implementation for the draw() method.

Abstraction allows you to create a set of common properties and behaviors that can be shared by multiple classes, without having to define their implementation details. This can make your code more modular and maintainable, as you can define a set of common properties and behaviors that can be shared by multiple classes, without having to duplicate code or make changes in multiple places.

Abstraction also allows you to create more flexible and extensible code, as you can create new classes that implement an existing interface or extend an existing abstract class. This can make your code more adaptable to changing requirements and scale to meet the needs of a growing user base.