

Generics is a feature in Java that allows you to define classes, interfaces, and methods that can work with different data types. It provides a way to write code that is more reusable, type-safe, and flexible by allowing you to specify the type of data that will be used at runtime.

The basic idea behind generics is to create a template or blueprint for a class or method that can work with different types of data. This is accomplished by using type parameters, which are placeholders for the actual data types that will be used at runtime. Type parameters are defined using angle brackets and can be any valid Java identifier.

Here's an example of a generic class:

public class Box<T> {

   private T data;

   public void set(T data) { = data;


   public T get() {

      return data;



In this example, the Box class is a generic class that can store a single value of any type. The type parameter T is used as a placeholder for the actual type of data that will be stored in the Box. The set() method takes a parameter of type T and sets the value of the data field to that value. The get() method returns the value of the data field.

To use the Box class, you would specify the actual type of data that will be stored in the Box by passing it as a type argument when creating an instance of the class. For example:

Box<Integer> box = new Box<>();


int value = box.get();

In this example, a Box object is created with type parameter Integer. The set() method is called with an int value, which is autoboxed to an Integer object. The get() method is called, which returns the Integer value, which is auto unboxed to an int value.

Generics provide several benefits, including:

  1. Type safety: Generics provide a way to ensure that the correct types of data are used at compile time, which helps to avoid errors and improve the robustness of the code.
  2. Reusability: Generics provide a way to write code that can work with different types of data, which makes the code more reusable and reduces code duplication.
  3. Abstraction: Generics provide a high level of abstraction, which makes the code more modular and easier to reason about.

Raw types

A raw type in Java is a type that is not generic. It is essentially a legacy feature that was added to Java 5 to provide backward compatibility with code written in earlier versions of Java that did not have generics. Raw types are created by omitting the type parameter when instantiating a generic class or using a generic interface.

For example, consider the following generic class:

public class Box<T> {

    private T value;

    public void set(T value) {

        this.value = value;


    public T get() {

        return value;



To use this generic class, you would normally create an instance of it with a specific type parameter, like this:

Box<String> stringBox = new Box<>();

This creates a Box instance with a type parameter of String, which means that the set() method can only accept String values, and the get() method will always return a String value.

However, if you omit the type parameter, like this:

Box box = new Box();

This creates a raw type Box, which means that the set() method can accept any type of value, and the get() method will return an Object value. The compiler will issue a warning when you use raw types because they are less type-safe and can lead to errors at runtime.

One potential issue with raw types is that they can interact unpredictably with generic types. For example, consider the following code:

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();


List rawList = strings;

List<Integer> integers = rawList; // warning: unchecked conversion

int value = integers.get(0); // ClassCastException at runtime

In this example, a List of String values is created and then assigned to a raw List. Then, the raw List is assigned to a List of Integer values, which should not be allowed because the types are not compatible. However, the compiler does not issue an error because it is a raw type, and the type safety is lost. At runtime, an exception will be thrown when trying to get the first value from the integers list.

To avoid these issues, it is recommended to use generic types whenever possible, and to avoid using raw types in new code. If you encounter legacy code that uses raw types, you can gradually update the code to use generic types by adding type parameters and making the necessary changes to the code.

Bounded type parameters

Bounded type parameters in Java provide a way to restrict the types of data that can be used with a generic class, interface, or method. A bounded type parameter specifies that the type used with the generic type must be a subtype of a particular class or implement a particular interface.

To define a bounded type parameter, you specify the upper bound using the extends keyword, followed by the name of the class or interface. For example, consider the following generic class:

public class Box<T extends Number> {

    private T value;

    public void set(T value) {

        this.value = value;


    public T get() {

        return value;



In this example, the type parameter T is bounded by the Number class, which means that the type used with the Box class must be a subclass of Number. This allows you to use the mathematical methods provided by the Number class, such as intValue(), doubleValue(), and so on.

To use a bounded type parameter, you specify the actual type of data that will be used at runtime by passing it as a type argument when creating an instance of the class. For example:

Box<Integer> intBox = new Box<>();


int value = intBox.get().intValue();

In this example, a Box object is created with type parameter Integer, which is a subclass of Number. The set() method is called with an int value, which is autoboxed to an Integer object. The get() method is called, which returns the Integer value, and then intValue() method is called to get the int value.

Bounded type parameters provide several benefits, including:

  1. Type safety: Bounded type parameters ensure that only compatible types are used with the generic class, interface, or method, which helps to avoid errors and improve the robustness of the code.
  2. Flexibility: Bounded type parameters provide a way to define generic classes, interfaces, or methods that can work with a wide range of compatible types.
  3. Abstraction: Bounded type parameters provide a high level of abstraction, which makes the code more modular and easier to reason about.

It's important to note that you can specify multiple upper bounds for a type parameter by separating them with an &. For example, the following class definition specifies a type parameter that must be a subclass of Number and implement the Comparable interface:

public class NumberBox<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> {

    // ...



In Java, wildcards are used to represent an unknown type argument in a generic type. They allow a generic type to accept any type of data, regardless of its actual type. Wildcards are represented by the ? symbol, and can be used in three different ways:

Unbounded wildcard: ?

An unbounded wildcard is represented by the ? symbol and allows any type of data to be used with a generic type. An unbounded wildcard is useful when you want to use a generic type without specifying its actual type argument. For example:

List<?> list = new ArrayList<>();

In this example, a list of unknown type is created. This list can hold any type of data, but the type of the data is unknown at compile time.

Upper-bounded wildcard: ? extends Type

An upper-bounded wildcard is represented by the ? extends Type syntax, where Type is a class or interface. An upper-bounded wildcard allows any type of data that is a subtype of Type to be used with a generic type. For example:

List<? extends Number> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

In this example, a list of any type that extends Number is created. This list can hold any subtype of Number, such as Integer, Double, or BigDecimal, but not any other type of data.

Lower-bounded wildcard: ? super Type

A lower-bounded wildcard is represented by the ? super Type syntax, where Type is a class or interface. A lower-bounded wildcard allows any type of data that is a supertype of Type to be used with a generic type. For example:

List<? super Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();

In this example, a list of any type that is a supertype of Integer is created. This list can hold any supertype of Integer, such as Number or Object, but not any subtype of Integer.

Wildcards are useful when you want to write code that can work with any type of data, without knowing the actual type at compile time. They provide a way to make your code more flexible and reusable, and reduce code duplication. Wildcards are particularly useful in situations where you don't care about the exact type of data, but only about its relationship to other types, such as in collections or generics with generic type parameters. However, it's important to use wildcards with care, as they can sometimes make the code more difficult to read and understand.

Type inference

Type inference in Java is the ability of the compiler to automatically determine the data types of variables and expressions, without the need for explicit type declarations. Type inference was introduced in Java 7 as a way to simplify the syntax of the language and reduce the amount of boilerplate code.

Type inference works by using the context in which a variable or expression is used to determine its type. For example, consider the following code:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();



In this example, the ArrayList constructor takes no type argument, but the names variable is declared as a List<String>. The compiler infers the type of ArrayList from the context in which it is used, and creates an ArrayList<String> object.

Type inference can also be used with the diamond operator (<>), which allows the compiler to infer the type of a variable or expression from the type of the object being assigned to it.

For example:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();

In this example, the diamond operator is used to create an ArrayList<String> object, and the type of the names variable is inferred from the type of the object being assigned to it.

Type inference can be used with local variables, lambda expressions, and method references. It can also be used with generic methods, which allows the return type of a method to be inferred from its arguments. For example:

public static <T> List<T> asList(T... elements) {

    List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();

    for (T element : elements) {



    return list;


List<Integer> numbers = asList(1, 2, 3);

In this example, the asList method is a generic method that takes a variable number of arguments of type T and returns a List<T>. The type of the numbers variable is inferred from the type of the arguments passed to the method.

Type inference provides several benefits, including:

  1. Simplicity: Type inference reduces the amount of boilerplate code and makes the syntax of the language more concise and easier to read.
  2. Safety: Type inference helps to avoid errors and improve the type safety of the code, by ensuring that the types of variables and expressions are consistent with their context.
  3. Flexibility: Type inference provides a way to write code that is more flexible and reusable, by allowing the types of variables and expressions to be determined at runtime based on their context.

It's important to note that type inference is not always appropriate, and that explicit type declarations may be necessary in some cases for clarity or to ensure type safety.

Generic methods

Generic methods in Java are methods that can take one or more type parameters. A generic method allows the type of one or more arguments to be specified at the time the method is called, rather than at the time it is defined. This provides a way to write code that is more flexible and reusable, and can work with a wider range of data types.

To define a generic method, you specify the type parameter or parameters in angle brackets <> immediately before the return type of the method. For example:

public static <T> T getLast(List<T> list) {

    return list.get(list.size() - 1);


In this example, the type parameter T is used to specify the type of the elements in the List argument, and the return type of the method. The method takes a list of any type that extends Object, and returns the last element in the list.

To call a generic method, you specify the type argument or arguments in angle brackets <> immediately before the method name. For example:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();



String last = getLast(names);

In this example, the type argument String is specified when calling the getLast method. This tells the compiler that the method should return a String value.

Generic methods can also have bounds on their type parameters, which restrict the types of data that can be used with the method. For example:

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T max(T[] array) {

    T max = array[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {

        if (array[i].compareTo(max) > 0) {

            max = array[i];



    return max;


In this example, the type parameter T is bounded by the Comparable<T> interface, which means that the type used with the method must implement the Comparable interface. This allows the method to compare the elements in the array using the compareTo method.

Generic methods provide several benefits, including:

  1. Flexibility: Generic methods provide a way to write code that can work with a wide range of compatible types, without having to write separate methods for each type.
  2. Abstraction: Generic methods provide a high level of abstraction, which makes the code more modular and easier to reason about.
  3. Type safety: Generic methods ensure that only compatible types are used with the method, which helps to avoid errors and improve the robustness of the code.

It's important to note that the type parameter or parameters of a generic method are not the same as the type argument or arguments used when calling the method. The type parameters specify the type of the data that the method can work with, while the type arguments specify the actual type of data that will be used at runtime.

Type erasure

Type erasure is a process in Java that removes the generic type information from the code at runtime. When a generic type is used in a class or method, the compiler creates a single class or method that can work with any type of data that is compatible with the generic type. However, at runtime, the generic type information is removed, and the code behaves as if it were working with non-generic types.

Type erasure is necessary to maintain compatibility with legacy code and to ensure that generic types can be used with existing libraries and frameworks. It also helps to improve the performance of the code, by reducing the amount of memory and processing power needed to store and manipulate the data.

The process of type erasure involves the following steps:

  1. Replace all type parameters with their upper bounds: The type parameters of a generic class or method are replaced with their upper bounds. For example, a class with the declaration class Example<T extends Number> would be replaced with the non-generic class class Example.
  2. Replace all type arguments with their erasure: The type arguments used when creating an instance of a generic class or invoking a generic method are replaced with their erasure. For example, an instance of the class Example<Integer> would be replaced with an instance of the non-generic class Example.
  3. Add bridge methods: When a non-generic class or method is inherited from a generic class or method, the compiler generates bridge methods that delegate to the original methods. This ensures that the non-generic classes and methods are compatible with the generic classes and methods.

Type erasure has several implications for the use of generic types in Java. First, it means that the generic type information is not available at runtime, which can limit the functionality of some libraries and frameworks. For example, it can be difficult to use reflection to access the generic type information of a class or method. Second, it means that some generic types may not be fully compatible with non-generic types, especially when it comes to type safety. For example, it's possible to cast a non-generic List to a generic List<String>, even if the non-generic list contains elements of a different type. Finally, it means that some generic types may have unexpected behavior, especially when it comes to inheritance and method overloading. For example, a method with the signature public void add(List<String> list) cannot be overloaded with a method with the signature public void add(List<Integer> list), because both methods have the same erasure.

Generic collections

Generic collections are a family of Java classes that provide a type-safe and flexible way to store and manipulate collections of objects. The Java Collections Framework includes a number of generic collection classes, such as List, Set, and Map, which can be used to store collections of objects of any data type.

Generic collections are defined using the syntax Collection<E>, where E is a type parameter that represents the element type of the collection. For example, the List interface is defined as List<E>, which means that it can store a collection of elements of any data type.

Using generic collections provides several benefits over using non-generic collections, including:

  1. Type safety: Generic collections ensure that only compatible types are used with the collection, which helps to avoid errors and improve the robustness of the code.
  2. Flexibility: Generic collections provide a way to store collections of objects of any data type, without having to write separate collection classes for each type.
  3. Code reuse: Generic collections can be used with any data type, which helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code and makes the code more modular and easier to maintain.

Here are some of the most commonly used generic collection classes in Java:

  1. List<E>: A collection that stores elements in a specific order and allows duplicates.
  2. Set<E>: A collection that stores elements in an unordered way and does not allow duplicates.
  3. Map<K, V>: A collection that stores key-value pairs, where each key must be unique.
  4. Queue<E>: A collection that stores elements in a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order.
  5. Deque<E>: A collection that stores elements in a double-ended queue, which allows elements to be added or removed from either end.
  6. Stack<E>: A collection that stores elements in a LIFO (last-in, first-out) order.

Using generic collections in Java is straightforward. Here's an example of how to create and use a List of strings:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();




for (String name : names) {



In this example, a new ArrayList of String objects is created, and three names are added to the list. The for loop is used to iterate over the elements in the list, and each name is printed to the console.